Fast growing. Just like our clients.

Welcome to Addis Studios, where creativity meets innovation in the realm of graphic design. Our team, a blend of talented designers, specializes in bringing visual identities to life that not only catch the eye but also tell a compelling story. From designing striking logos to crafting engaging graphic designs, we ensure every piece ignites interest and commands attention.

Our expertise isn’t confined to just design; it’s about understanding and communicating the essence of your business, whether you’re in cutting-edge technology, medical advancements, or the latest in electronics. We pride ourselves on our ability to translate complex ideas into clear, impactful visuals. Our approach is not just about branding; it’s about creating a lasting impression that resonates with your audience.

With a track record of numerous successful projects across various major cities and a portfolio rich with award-winning work, we at Addis Studios are committed to excellence. We’re not just designers; we’re storytellers, dedicated to showcasing your business at its best. Let us help you stand out in today’s competitive market with designs that are not just visually stunning, but also strategically sound.


We craft design solutions that bring brands to life. Our focus is on creating visually stunning, strategically resonant identities across logos, branding, and digital graphics. We’re committed to elevating businesses and making a lasting impact.


We envision ourselves as architects of brand success, empowering businesses with iconic visual identities. Our goal is to transform each logo and design into a distinctive emblem of brand excellence, fostering recognition and growth in a dynamic market.

Our Values


At the heart of our studio, creativity is the spark that ignites our innovative designs. We believe in thinking outside the box to create unique, memorable visual experiences that stand out in the market.

Open and Honest Communication

Transparency is key in our process. We foster open dialogues with our clients, ensuring clarity and honesty in every exchange. This approach builds lasting relationships based on trust and mutual respect.

Growth & Learning

We are committed to continuous improvement and staying ahead of the curve. Our team embraces new challenges and is always eager to learn, ensuring our designs not only meet but exceed the evolving needs of our clients.


We approach every project with a sense of thankfulness. This gratitude extends to our clients, our team, and the opportunities that come our way, driving us to give our best in every aspect of our work.

Humility & Kindness

Humility and kindness are cornerstones of our ethos. We treat each client, project, and team member with utmost respect and empathy, believing that these values are essential in creating a positive and productive work environment.

Let’s Work Together!